Tuesday, 29 December 2009

Vietnam map of YSMajor's pack

There is so much to review in YSMajor's latest pack. I have just reviewed the A330 and A340 from YSMajor days ago. And now, let's take a look into one of his new scenery, the Vietnam map.

I believe that most of the people around the world know about the cruel and deadly Vietnam war. A fight between the Vietnam Communist with Viet Cong and the democratic minded Vietnamese with the US forces.

For those who don't know, this is the up scale version of the Vietnam map which YSMajor released months ago with the name "Battle Perseverance". Incredibly, it's as stunning as his last release. Back in the last release, one of the major hit of the scenery was the crazily detailed aircraft carrier filled with animated crews, vehicles, static aircraft, helicopters and even smoke coming out from the exhaust. And yes, it's still exist in this scenery.

Even the pickiest person in the world of YS won't complaint about this carrier.

Ok, that's probably what you've seen in the last release. And now, let's look at what YSMajor had done in this new scenery.

As you can see, YSMajor had expand the region of the scenery from just the coastal area into the inner region of the battlefield. Similar to the last release, YSMajor blacken all the region outside the scenery to prevent pilot flying off the scenery without notice.

There're too much to explore in this scenery. It's good to have surprises but I think it would be better if YSMajor gives us a "travel guide" for such a big and detailed map so we won't miss any "tourist attraction".

Beside the map expansion, a large quantity of ground object had added into the scenery. Remember the cute looking buffalo in the Battle Perseverance scenery? Now this Vietnam scenery even comes with a pretty large city and a great amount of enemy spreading across the map.

I strap myself into the AH-1 Cobra (Yes, it is included in the pack for this scenery) and have some destruction. Since I spawned myself from North 1 start position, I have to dive my way down in order to look for targets.

Quick scan at the radar, I picked up the targets which is hidden in the city.

There are about 4 to 5 AA guns and SAM site here. By flying low, those turrets wouldn't stand a chance to lay a bullet on my Cobra.

Not far from those AA guns, there is a train station with loco to satisfy your destruction need.

Switch into the rockets


Following the railway, I proceed to the next target.

Over here, you can see there is a large nuclear plant. YSMajor had done a very very great job here, and even better, it caught me in surprise. From outside, it just looks like another ordinary ground object of YS. But right after you blow it up, there is actually rumble on that site! If you don't quite understand what I mean, a picture is always better than a thousand words, take a look.

Cool huh?

Ok, those rumbles are too awesome, it drove my attention away from the chopper. I'm just flying around 500ft above the ground at that time. So, Boom!


My flight had ended there, but the review isn't finish yet. Another stuff that makes this map unique is the ground object that is not on the ground. YSMajor had placed some ground object cloud around the map, it significantly increase the amount of cloud on the sky and creating colour variation between clouds. (hey, look at the sky, I don't think every cloud are same in colour!) I had no idea how the sky looks like in Vietnam, but here in Malaysia, Southeast Asia country normally has a cloudier sky, probably due to the high humidity and constant sunshine.

What a cloudy day.

YSMajor's pack also comes with some aircraft that is tailor made for this scenery. Mig-17 and Crusader in new paint, Viet Cong troops, US troops and more are available in the pack so you extract maximum fun from this scenery.

I bet there are even more to explore in this mysterious scenery, I'll end my expedition here. So, dear readers, why don't double click on your YSFlight icon and try this map right away and uncover the remaining mystery of the map? xD

- Huge in size compare to the previous release.
- Colour are eye pleasing.
- Extremely detail (aircraft carrier, cities, etc)
- Cloud.
- Comes with additional aircraft to add the fun.
- Mysterious and packed with surprise.

- Mysterious and packed with surprise. (It might waste your effort if user missed some of the easter eggs. An illustrated or written guide might help.)
- You give me almost no room to complain!

1 comment:

  1. First off, I'd like to say that this site is better than downloading those PDF articles.

    This map is pretty epic, and allows you to relive some Dogfights episodes. Typical YSMajor style is epicnes with a side order of fun to fly.
