Sunday, 27 December 2009

Artic Naval Battle review

^ Hind on the Russian base, ready for take off.

Cold war is now return, under YSMajor's whole new map, the Arctic Naval Battle! Two superpowers of the world, the United States and the Russia Federation had set their foot on the Arctic. History tells us that nothing good will happen when superpowers clash together.

Between them, an UN convey and research base, which is protected by the United States Navy's carrier, CV-70. On the other side, Russia comes with their powerful Kuznetsov carrier with Sukhoi and Kamov onboard.

Experience naval warfare like never before! Only on the Arctic Naval Battle!

Ok, advertisement ends here. As soon as I found this addon, I downloaded it right away. It took me awhile to look for this scenery in the scenery list and then I start it with a Su-30MKM on Kuznetsov. According to the information on the post, YSMajor said that the ramp on the carrier is actually working, that's true, and it's nicely done. But I'm not sure why, I respawn about 4-5 times to let the aircraft starts on the carrier safely, or else it will just POP and dead.

^ Su-30MKM onboard Carrier Admiral Kuznetsov

I bring up the radar, it indicates that there's lots of ground object not far away. First destination, the Russian base. It's just a few miles away from the carrier. On the base, there's a couple of camps, buildings with a SAM site and a helipad there. I started another flight, this time with the Halo on the Russian base helipad. Same thing happens again, the aircraft blew up about 8 times. I presume that it's because the Halo is way too big for that little helipad, so I switched to Hind. Blow up about 3 times and I'm able to start it safely. It's a little bit annoying, YSMajor should fix the problem. (Note: I have no trouble with lag, YS is running at minimum 18 fps)

^ Hind crash nearby the air base.

There's a nice little feature here. Instead of setting the iceberg as ground, YSMajor had set it as a water area. As a result, when you crash or shooting at the ground here, those little white cone will show up instead of red semi-sphere which is so-called explosion.

Soon, the Hind arrived at the UN base. The tall EU flag caught my attention, it's really detail and realistic too!

^ From Russia with love~

^ Rockets blowing up the whole UN research base.

There's plenty of ground object on the UN research base, which is a good target for rocket spam. My test flight on the map ends here, but there's still something interesting about this map that I have to tell. Both carrier are very detail, Sukhoi and Kamov filled up the deck of Admiral Kuznetsov while Hornets and A-6 filled up the deck of CV-70. Cold War-ish huh?

Moreover, since this map is done using the latest scenery builder, all elevation grid are landable. Colours of the map are typical YSMajor style, which is dimmer than most of other's scenery.

Although not as revolutionary as his previous map, Okawa, but this Arctic Naval Battle is one fun map indeed. Plus, this map marked the start of YSMajor modding using the new scenery editor. So let's expect to see even more interesting map from YSMajor soon!

- Colours make my eyes feel comfortable, quite eye-pleasing.
- Lots of stuff to play with.
- Detail carriers and bases + nicely done EU flag.
- Thumbs up on the ramp of Kuznetsov.

- No? Except the map is a little bit too small for my taste.

- I think those cute little aircraft carrier crews from the Vietnam map is so eager to work on the CV-70 and Kuznetsov. xD
- Some vehicles and peoples on the UN research base? (Hey! No parking officers please!)

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