Tuesday, 29 December 2009

Vietnam map of YSMajor's pack

There is so much to review in YSMajor's latest pack. I have just reviewed the A330 and A340 from YSMajor days ago. And now, let's take a look into one of his new scenery, the Vietnam map.

I believe that most of the people around the world know about the cruel and deadly Vietnam war. A fight between the Vietnam Communist with Viet Cong and the democratic minded Vietnamese with the US forces.

For those who don't know, this is the up scale version of the Vietnam map which YSMajor released months ago with the name "Battle Perseverance". Incredibly, it's as stunning as his last release. Back in the last release, one of the major hit of the scenery was the crazily detailed aircraft carrier filled with animated crews, vehicles, static aircraft, helicopters and even smoke coming out from the exhaust. And yes, it's still exist in this scenery.

Even the pickiest person in the world of YS won't complaint about this carrier.

Ok, that's probably what you've seen in the last release. And now, let's look at what YSMajor had done in this new scenery.

As you can see, YSMajor had expand the region of the scenery from just the coastal area into the inner region of the battlefield. Similar to the last release, YSMajor blacken all the region outside the scenery to prevent pilot flying off the scenery without notice.

There're too much to explore in this scenery. It's good to have surprises but I think it would be better if YSMajor gives us a "travel guide" for such a big and detailed map so we won't miss any "tourist attraction".

Beside the map expansion, a large quantity of ground object had added into the scenery. Remember the cute looking buffalo in the Battle Perseverance scenery? Now this Vietnam scenery even comes with a pretty large city and a great amount of enemy spreading across the map.

I strap myself into the AH-1 Cobra (Yes, it is included in the pack for this scenery) and have some destruction. Since I spawned myself from North 1 start position, I have to dive my way down in order to look for targets.

Quick scan at the radar, I picked up the targets which is hidden in the city.

There are about 4 to 5 AA guns and SAM site here. By flying low, those turrets wouldn't stand a chance to lay a bullet on my Cobra.

Not far from those AA guns, there is a train station with loco to satisfy your destruction need.

Switch into the rockets


Following the railway, I proceed to the next target.

Over here, you can see there is a large nuclear plant. YSMajor had done a very very great job here, and even better, it caught me in surprise. From outside, it just looks like another ordinary ground object of YS. But right after you blow it up, there is actually rumble on that site! If you don't quite understand what I mean, a picture is always better than a thousand words, take a look.

Cool huh?

Ok, those rumbles are too awesome, it drove my attention away from the chopper. I'm just flying around 500ft above the ground at that time. So, Boom!


My flight had ended there, but the review isn't finish yet. Another stuff that makes this map unique is the ground object that is not on the ground. YSMajor had placed some ground object cloud around the map, it significantly increase the amount of cloud on the sky and creating colour variation between clouds. (hey, look at the sky, I don't think every cloud are same in colour!) I had no idea how the sky looks like in Vietnam, but here in Malaysia, Southeast Asia country normally has a cloudier sky, probably due to the high humidity and constant sunshine.

What a cloudy day.

YSMajor's pack also comes with some aircraft that is tailor made for this scenery. Mig-17 and Crusader in new paint, Viet Cong troops, US troops and more are available in the pack so you extract maximum fun from this scenery.

I bet there are even more to explore in this mysterious scenery, I'll end my expedition here. So, dear readers, why don't double click on your YSFlight icon and try this map right away and uncover the remaining mystery of the map? xD

- Huge in size compare to the previous release.
- Colour are eye pleasing.
- Extremely detail (aircraft carrier, cities, etc)
- Cloud.
- Comes with additional aircraft to add the fun.
- Mysterious and packed with surprise.

- Mysterious and packed with surprise. (It might waste your effort if user missed some of the easter eggs. An illustrated or written guide might help.)
- You give me almost no room to complain!

Interview with Viper from 49th

Hi guys, this is my first interview. Today, it’s Viper, Co of VFA-49. So thanks to Viper (aka Chansolo) and to h3csc for hosting the interview. I hope to interview the other Squad leaders and other well known faces in YS. So, from me and Viper, thanks in advance for reading.

Vandal says:
Hello and thank you for being my first interview for the new sky companion blog.

Viper says:
Your welcome, it's a pleasure

Vandal says:
Ok, first off, for anyone who lives on the moon and doesn't know about the 49th, describe in short what your squad is all about.

Viper says:
Well our mission is to create a enjoyable environment where users of ysflight can come together and work as a team, training, flying, performing missions and of course having fun. The VFA-49 is a mix of naval and air power, consisting of 6 combat divisions and one training division. Each division has a unique role and unique aircraft to fill that role

Vandal says:
What are the different divisions and their roles?

Viper says:
The Birds of Prey division is our training division. Pilots who join the squad are placed here. They must work their way through the six step training system that will put them through training for all 6 divisions. They are graded based on their performance and placed in the division that suits them the best
The Night Cobras are Division 1, their role is simple, pave the way for the rest of the squadron by eliminating enemy installations

Vandal says:

Viper says:
Yes, suppression of enemy air defences
The Black Falcons are division 2. They are the air to air division and are the backbone of the squad. Their mission is to establish air superiority quickly, and effectively.
Division 3 is the Saber Hawks. This division as the unique task of defending 49th installations and fleet, which of course includes our carrier the CVN-149
Division 4 is the Eagle Eyes. They are tasked with providing intelligence on the enemy by performing reconnaissance operations, mainly in the cover of darkness
Division 5, our bomber fleet, the Fire Ballers. They fly powerful and fast bomber aircraft such as the B-1R and B-70.
And finally, Division 6, the Arch Angels. They are the helicopter division and are tasked with troop transport, close air support, and ground attack, truly a multi-role division

Vandal says:
Ok, lets talk about the running of the 49th. Do you have a rank structure and how does it work?

Viper says:
The three main ranks are commanding officer, In charge of running the squad and it's management, executing officer, in charge of discipline and assisting in squadron management, and tactical officer, in charge of combat operations.
The lower ranks serve the purpose of delegating responsibility online, and are as follows:
Rear Admiral Higher, Rear Admiral lower, captain, commander, lieutenant commander, lieutenant, and ensign

Vandal says:
How would a 49th member work their way up? Is it on merit or do you have a points system?

Viper says:
Not a point system but a certificate system. In order to improve their rank they must A: be active and B: complete a offline mission and send in the replay for approval. The missions are challenge based and test the pilots skill in a specific area of combat, in extreme circumstances.
Once the replay is approved they are moved up the ranks and given a new set of stripes to display on their signature

Vandal says:
What about aces? Do you have some stars in the Squad? I know sanders is held in high regard in the 171st as a good pilot.

Viper says:
Yes Sanders, Mav, and Unlimited are the pride of the squad in terms of dog fighting. Ace Lord and Wetzel are our bombing experts and I also must give credit to Lord Flash, our best modder

Vandal says:
Sounds simple and effective. What about your goals for 2010?

Viper says:
Well our goals are to expand both in our number of pilots and operations online. We also look forward to participating as a squad in future events such as air shows and exhibition matches with other squadrons

Vandal says:
You are currently working on a new pack, is this simple new paints or will you be adding or taking away some birds?

Viper says:
Yes, the goal is to reorganize our aircraft so their paint schemes reflect the division they are in. Of course, aircraft that we deem not necessary or if their role is already fulfilled will not be making the cut

Vandal says:
Now, while on the topic of squad packs. In the past you have been 'attacked' for so called 'cheat planes', people reporting not even being able to lock on to your aircraft while being right behind them. Will this pack respond to their concern? and in what way?

Viper says:
Well partly. We describe ourselves as a squadron based on stealth, which is our origin from the days of Buck Nasty. However, in the past we have made mistakes, this is true. In Pack V only real world stealth aircraft, such as the F-22 Raptor, F-35, YF-23, SU-47 and such will actually have stealth. Yet, we will be modifying the dats on these airplanes so when a bay is open stealth is temporarily lost. We believe we can achieve this by editing the command BOMBAY RDS in the dat file.
When the bay is open, a faint lock on should be achieved

Vandal says:
What do you think about a GAC style pack? The 171st is working on such a pack to be used along side their full detail pack. It could help to make it possible to have full scale squad battles.

Viper says:
We are considering it as an option as an addition to pack V. Well see when we get there.

Vandal says:
What advantages do you think YSFlight gives you and your squad over other sims and games?

Viper says:
The simplicity of pick up and play. The game is not hampered by complex rules dictated by a service such as steam or xbox live. Addons are fairly simple to create and install, and servers can be hosted from any computer. Although it is decades behind other games in graphics and detail, it's simple, low resource design allows almost anyone, regardless of their hardware, to enjoy it

Vandal says:
Now, anyone who doesn't think there is a rivalry between the 49th and 171st must be an idiot. But, do you think it is a healthy rivalry? And how do you think the squads relationship will evolve?

Viper says:
It's a given that two squads on the opposite spectrum of this game will be rivals. I don't believe it's such a bad thing, without rivalry what would be the point of having our own colours? It's also necessary to have one, to offer a choice for the users of ysflight who are looking for a home. If you would allow me to use the Cold War, as a stretch for an example, the rivalry between the two superpowers produced some of the most advanced ideas, tactics, and technology on both sides. By being rivals the 171st and 49th push each other to become better, and try new ideas, which is a good thing
I believe this will continue in 2010 and that both our squadrons will continue to grow

Vandal says:
While on the servers lately, I've noticed a lack of 49th member on the servers. Are your active members numbers dropping or are you doing more flying behind closed doors on private servers?

Viper says:
The latter, our pilot numbers remain about the same. We are working on our internal structure at the moment and working from our own servers.

Vandal says:
I hope you don't mind me asking you this. But, you have recently lost one of your best pilots in the form of SLI. How has this effected the Squad?

Viper says:
Well it's a bit sad to not see SLI's humorous posts brighten up the forum, and the guys do miss him, but no one holds anything against him, Its his decision and we hope he has found what he wanted

Vandal says:
Are you worried that you'll lose other pilots and what are you planning to do to try and keep them loyal?

Viper says:
No, I am not. We have many ideas and projects on the way, and with the new pack along the way everyone is eager to help. Our pilots know where they belong and I dont question their loyalty. It's only a question of what I can do to keep their respect, something I strive for everyday

Vandal says:
Now, we've talked a little on the relationship between the 171st and 49th. But, what about the other two squads? There are rumours that the 241st is on the rise, how do you think that will effect the skies of YS?

Viper says:
Well as a former 241st pilot I know that they like to do things right the first time, so I believe when they completely return online they will be a great addition to the squadron family in what they have to offer users of ysflight and in their addons and pilots. I hope to see them online soon.
I do not believe tensions will rise so much as pressure to improve however, both the 171st and 49th have friends there

Vandal says:
And what about the new guys on the block? 3AW (AKA the 11th).

Viper says:
Well they are pretty smart in the fact they chose to remain simple, which is good for a new squadron in that they can grow easily. Although I have not seen them online lately or their server, but that could just be me

Vandal says:
Lets just hope it's a Christmas break. They have had a lot of support from the 171st in their early days. Did they gain any support from the 49th other than moral?

Viper says:
No we try to stay out of other squadron's business as we are focusing intently on our own rapid improvement

Vandal says:
Do you think the 49th rep is growing on YSP or do you think there is still an 'anti-49th' opinion with in the YSP community?

Viper says:
As with any group we will always have those who do hate us. However I do believe we are in far better shape then what we were one year ago. Nevertheless, my goal is not to appease the masses but do what's best for my squadron and it's pilots

Vandal says:
Ok, I think that’s about it. Just one last question. What advice would you give to anyone thinking of starting their own squad?

Viper says:
Not to let anyone tell you your not good enough, or you won't make it. Trust yourself, keep a level head, and prove them wrong

Vandal says:
Good advice. Thank you for you Time and good luck for 2010.

Viper says:
Your very welcome, have a good one

Sunday, 27 December 2009

YSMajor Pack's A330 and A340 Review

YSMajor is one of my favourite modder in YSPilots. You probably knew that he had released his latest update to his massive YSMajor pack which feature all his creation. This time, the whole unzipped pack hit an astonishing of 174MB in size. I'm an civil aviation guy, so for sure, I'll pick something I love the most first for review. Here comes the A330 and A340 series from YSMajor!

I should have write this review earlier but I'm going to Korea for tour last week, so I decided to postpone the review until now. By luck, the aircraft I'm in for the flight from Kota Kinabalu to Incheon International Airport of Seoul was one of the aircraft in the pack, it's the Korean Air A330-200.

Let's get back to the aircraft. As you know these A330 and A340 are just a part from the YSMajor's massive pack. Both the A330 and A340 are come with several repaints. To name a few, there is Korean Airlines, Cathay Pacific, Shanghai Airlines Star Alliance livery, Royal Airforce and more. With such a quantity of repaints, all of the repaints do have good quality.

Some of the livery available. From top to bottom: Shanghai Airlines Star Alliance livery, Swiss Air, Korean Air.

As far as I remember, there is only one A330 model exist in the world of YS. It's made by a Japanese. Obviously YSMajor isn't using that model, instead, he is PROBABLY use that as a base model and have some major overhaul here and there, turning it from a mid quality model to a mid-high quality model.

Changes are pretty obvious. First of all, the fuselage seems to be rounder than the original model with transparent cockpit windows. Beside that, you can see that the wings, flaps, slats, spoilers are now more detail and more realistic.

A look at the beautifully made flaps and slats.

Look at the engines!

Another thing that is note worthy is the new sets of engines on some of the A330 and A340 model. These new engines are not only beautifully modeled but also highly realistic. Just like the real thing, you can see through the turbofans' blade from the front and back. There is also high speed propeller animation on it, making these A330 and A340's turbofan are among my favourite engines in YSFlight. Thrust reverser are animated in these new sets of turbofan. But those which are using the old CFM engines have different luck.

Reverse thrust set.

The repaint of these aircraft are virtually flawless. There aren't much visible floating mark around, but those are what you would expect in YSMajor's addon. Unfortunately, there is one little bad surprise I noticed. The Swiss Air livery's engine marking seems to be slightly floated.


Interior, it seems to be pretty disappointing. I'm always a great fans of highly detailed interior model but the cockpit that comes with these A330 and A340 are rather low quality. No only that both of them are using the same cockpit but apparently most of the component inside the cockpit are direct extract from Takaty's 737 model. These included both pilots model, yokes, instruments, flaps handle, gear handle, etc. Even worse is that these pilots are using Boeing's yoke instead of Airbus's side stick to fly. Animation are straight extract from Takaty's model, so there're nothing to complaint on the animation. Instead of HUD, YSMajor had inserted a pretty basic flying instrument for these models. Not bad actually since HUD simply didn't feels well under jetliner of this era. (don't mention about 737NG, 787, A380 blah blah...)



For the flight experience, again I have to clarify first I am not a pilot, I did not fly any aircraft before, included A330 and A340. The control of these A330 and A340 are quite different compare to most of the jetliner model out there. They're far more less responsive than other, especially the aileron. Reverse thrust seems to be far less powerful than other model too. As you leave the gate of an airport with the reverse thrust, it feels like an actual pushback. The aircraft moves slowly backward, unlike most of the other jetliner model in YS. On the other hand, the reverse thrust becomes less powerful when you touchdown and try to slow down the aircraft quickly. Rudder is similar to Takaty's 737, it turns far less angle and slower than other. I can't rate the dat file's realistism, since I don't know how it behave in a real aircraft. But I have to say that it is unique, unique always contribute to fun factor.

Cathay Pacific A340 touchdown and Chek Lap Kok.

As a whole, I will consider these A330 and A340 as an addon that stand at the mid-high rank in YS addon. Surely it's not the best thing available from YSMajor, but it is not bad at all. High quality exterior model, realistic looking flaps and slats, sweet repaints, all these stuff are enough to cover the not-so-good side of the model (especially the cockpit).

- Beautiful new model.
- Realistic repaints.
- Pretty fun dat file.

- Some mark are slightly floating.
- Highly unrealistic cockpit.

Cessna Citation X Review

Cessna Citation X, one of the fastest executive jet today, had finally arrived in YSFlight. And again this super detail model are labelled with the tag "Made in Japan". Released in YSFlight under Takaty's name, created by GRE

Ok, let's skip the introduction and take a look at this masterpiece. The quality, no doubt, it's top standard in YSFlight, comparable with TF's 747 or Takaty's 737. This model covers every detail of the Citation X (or at least almost).

Start from the "unboxing", there is aircraft and user folders in the pack as usual, manual written in Japanese and English (which is always exist under Takaty's release) and an extra checklist file. You can ask no more, everything that is possibly available are all there.

Take a look at the exterior model, even without any screenshot, we knew that it will be virtually flawless. Although it doesn't rendered very well under my computer (the stripes and the fuselage mix together), but I believe it's just my computer's problem, since it looks pretty well in the screenshot.

The detail of the cockpit and interior are not something you normally see in YS. Cockpit are dominated by 5 medium sized LCD screen and countless amount of buttons, switches and gauges. For sure, the throttle, flaps and yoke are animated. As well for both of the pilot's head, which is controllable using the gun turret control. Both pilots will lift their left hand and the co-pilot will read the checklist when you press the nozzle down key. Using the co-pilot view (press F1 for 2 times), the checklist is exactly in front of your sight. Unfortunately, the so-called checklist is just a yellow polygon with no words on it, so you have the refer to the checklist document that comes with the package. (Unlike TF's 747 which you can read the checklist that is written on the display)

Pressing F1 for the 3 times, you are in the cabin. From reading light to the lavatory, everything is replicated in this cabin. Some users might think that cabin in YS is a waste of polygon but no worry, GRE had made some no cabin version for you guys.

For the first time in YS, there is a lavatory (and animated too...) in an aircraft. It's at the end of the cabin and can be access by pressing 5 times F1. You can close and open the lavatory door by using the flaps key (50% flaps) and another door using the nozzle key. (but I'm not sure what that door is about, anyone who know, please tell me. Thanks!) The detail of the interior resembles a payware addon for FSX called Flight1 ATR-72. (Google it if you're interested.) Sweet!

At the release topic, Takaty claimed that the flight dynamic are quite realistic. I can't judge that since I don't know how it feels when you actually fly the Citation X. The control are reasonably agile and it flies fast, very fast. According to the paper, the Citation X should able to hold the cruise speed of 0.9Mach. Throughout the test flight, I've just cruise it at around 0.7Mach, it can goes further but I think 0.7mach are well enough for a 97NM test flight.


Gear down, flaps down, final approaching.

Touchdown. Not much special to mention about for the flight experience. It's pretty usual but rich of eye candies.

The review won't ended without some lighting effect. Beside those lights at the wingtips, rudder and the front landing light, cabin light can be toggle using the bomb bay door key.

Under dark environment, the cabin light looks realistic from outside, as from inside, the quality of the cabin is spoilt due to the self lighting feature of YSFlight. It's unavoidable, so this is not a complain.

The only disappointment for this model is that the cockpit panel did not light up when you switch on the bomb bay door key. I was expecting that the cockpit panel will light up with the cabin light using the bomb bay door key but sadly, no luck.

In conclusion, this little Cessna Citation X marked a new standard of high quality addon in YSFlight. I can say that if this is MSFS, this model will definitely a payware quality addon.

- Everything
- Lavatory is one big surprise =D

- Cockpit did not light up with the cabin light. (Am I asking too much?)

Artic Naval Battle review

^ Hind on the Russian base, ready for take off.

Cold war is now return, under YSMajor's whole new map, the Arctic Naval Battle! Two superpowers of the world, the United States and the Russia Federation had set their foot on the Arctic. History tells us that nothing good will happen when superpowers clash together.

Between them, an UN convey and research base, which is protected by the United States Navy's carrier, CV-70. On the other side, Russia comes with their powerful Kuznetsov carrier with Sukhoi and Kamov onboard.

Experience naval warfare like never before! Only on the Arctic Naval Battle!

Ok, advertisement ends here. As soon as I found this addon, I downloaded it right away. It took me awhile to look for this scenery in the scenery list and then I start it with a Su-30MKM on Kuznetsov. According to the information on the post, YSMajor said that the ramp on the carrier is actually working, that's true, and it's nicely done. But I'm not sure why, I respawn about 4-5 times to let the aircraft starts on the carrier safely, or else it will just POP and dead.

^ Su-30MKM onboard Carrier Admiral Kuznetsov

I bring up the radar, it indicates that there's lots of ground object not far away. First destination, the Russian base. It's just a few miles away from the carrier. On the base, there's a couple of camps, buildings with a SAM site and a helipad there. I started another flight, this time with the Halo on the Russian base helipad. Same thing happens again, the aircraft blew up about 8 times. I presume that it's because the Halo is way too big for that little helipad, so I switched to Hind. Blow up about 3 times and I'm able to start it safely. It's a little bit annoying, YSMajor should fix the problem. (Note: I have no trouble with lag, YS is running at minimum 18 fps)

^ Hind crash nearby the air base.

There's a nice little feature here. Instead of setting the iceberg as ground, YSMajor had set it as a water area. As a result, when you crash or shooting at the ground here, those little white cone will show up instead of red semi-sphere which is so-called explosion.

Soon, the Hind arrived at the UN base. The tall EU flag caught my attention, it's really detail and realistic too!

^ From Russia with love~

^ Rockets blowing up the whole UN research base.

There's plenty of ground object on the UN research base, which is a good target for rocket spam. My test flight on the map ends here, but there's still something interesting about this map that I have to tell. Both carrier are very detail, Sukhoi and Kamov filled up the deck of Admiral Kuznetsov while Hornets and A-6 filled up the deck of CV-70. Cold War-ish huh?

Moreover, since this map is done using the latest scenery builder, all elevation grid are landable. Colours of the map are typical YSMajor style, which is dimmer than most of other's scenery.

Although not as revolutionary as his previous map, Okawa, but this Arctic Naval Battle is one fun map indeed. Plus, this map marked the start of YSMajor modding using the new scenery editor. So let's expect to see even more interesting map from YSMajor soon!

- Colours make my eyes feel comfortable, quite eye-pleasing.
- Lots of stuff to play with.
- Detail carriers and bases + nicely done EU flag.
- Thumbs up on the ramp of Kuznetsov.

- No? Except the map is a little bit too small for my taste.

- I think those cute little aircraft carrier crews from the Vietnam map is so eager to work on the CV-70 and Kuznetsov. xD
- Some vehicles and peoples on the UN research base? (Hey! No parking officers please!)

Indira Gandhi International Airport, Delhi, India review

^ The main terminal building.

It's since awhile last time we smell spices in YS. Our only active Indian member in YSP, Sumit had just brings his country's capital, Delhi into the world of YS.

If you downloaded Sumit's previous creation, you'll notice that his scenery is a little bit "Japanish". Not much elevation grid usage, instead, loads of unique ground object fills the airport, but never sacrifice the framerate.

Same thing goes for this scenery. There is only one airport throughout the map, complete with a couple of start position. I start the flight on the first start position, which is for B737 but instead, I start with an ATR-72. The first sight was awesome, right next to my aircraft, a detail Kingfisher's A320 surrounded with ground crews and airport vehicles. Even though they're static, but they didn't spoil the realistic airport ambience.

Taxing down the runway, there are several facilities at distance. One of them is the cargo terminal, with a FedEx MD-11 from TF's aircraft pack. Same as the A320, it is static, absolutely no traffic on this map.

^ Cargo terminal with the FedEx MD-11

At the edge of the runway, there is another huge terminal on the left side. It's the entrance for outsiders to Delhi, this international terminal is represented by 3 747s.

^ The International Terminal

Not much action outside the airport, so I don't find any need to review them.

No doubt, another great scenery from Sumit. It's totally nothing short of detail, but let down by the small scenery size. I heard that Sumit might come up with an India map by combining all of his creation, that's what I'm waiting for.

- Details are awesome, especially for the Kingfisher's A320
- Unique facilities and terminal buildings (Thumbs up!)

- Where should I fly to?
- Colours are a little bit too sharp (apply on ground object as well)

- Gimme a destination
- Duller colours will make it looks more realistic. (take a look at Patrick's map)
- How about animating ground crews?

Frankfurt, Germany scenery review

^ Industrial area and city area at the background.
Welcome to Frankfurt, Germany! Brought to you by Patrick. This map is among PatrickN's recent scenery addon spam, as usual, another mid-high quality scenery.

There's 3 airports in this scenery, all 3 of them are not too far, optimum range for a short hop. Detail around the airport are so-so, unlike Styyki's creation, Patrick didn't spam the detail on the airport. Instead, he equally spread the detail on the whole map.

^ A B777 taking off at Frankfurt International.

The city centre, is located North west of the main airport. The good news is, Pat did some unique buildings and landmarks for the city, it looks great although in low detail. However, the amount of buildings around the city are too little for my flavour, it will looks even better if Pat add some smaller houses around those skyscrappers. Along the river, you'll see some ships sailing on it, although it's just eye candy, but I love it.

Some SAMs and turrets around the city turns it into a not-civil-only scenery. These SAMs and turrets simply blast everything off the skies of Frankfurt and keep it clean from intruder.

^ An F104 being shot down by AA

In conclusion, it's a fun yet good looking scenery and I'll definitely add it into the World Map.

- Colours are very eye pleasing
- Airports, runways, taxiways are all in good quality
- Unique building
- 3 Airports
- Moving ships

- Lack of detail around the city and airports
- I had no ideas why those SAMs are shooting at IFF1